Help Me Send 80 Kids to Art Camp

Last year I had the privilege of joining a local film team from Nashville to teach kids from the Guatemalan slums about art. We partnered with a local outreach called Lemonade International to take about 100 kids from one of the largest slums in Guatemala City to a camp 5 hours away on a beach as a reward for good behavior in their school. This year we are hoping to do the same.  A grant from Legos, the toy company, has once again insured the facility…now we just need a little extra funding to provide tuition for the campers. Here is how you can give:

$150 = Art Camp for Two Children $75 = Art Camp for One Child $25 = Meals for One Child $10 = Art Materials for One Child

Check out the link below that will take you to the right spot to give back and join in. Also check out the vimeo video that includes me sining 'Quiet Hearts' to the very kids that inspired the song! JOIN IN & SEND KIDS TO CAMP :
